Wednesday, August 4, 2010

On the court.

On the court.

To celebrate our 45th National Day this year, East Spring Secondary has organized an interclass competition for the upper secondary – Basketball, Captain's ball and last but not least, soccer. The preliminary rounds were held just yesterday at the parade square, basketball court and the field. It was an amazing sight to see classes wearing their nicely designed class t-shirts. Everyone was psyched up for the game with awaiting classes training for their coming match!

The captain's ball matches were spectacular! With well-trained classes against each other, it was impossible to keep your eyes off the game! Sportsmanship was also displayed here, as there were incidents where players fell and the opponents actually went up to help them up instead of continuing the game.
Students who were not involved also went down to cheer their classmates on and not only that; different classes were also supporting the classes that were on the court.

The basketball matches were rough and exciting, with teams consisting of mixed genders. Every class played their best and fought their way to win their opponents. Respecting your opponents is a very important value and this is shown by our very own East Spring Students. Although they lost their game, they were not discouraged and they didn’t bring their opponents down by jeering yet they supported and spurred them on! Players did not challenge the umpires when they declared a foul in the game but respected them and accepted the free throws or throw ins.

Soccer matches were played mainly by the guys. It was under the hot and blazing sun but no one complained and continued the game with very high spirits! Soccer players also showed their respect and sportsmanship by not tripping or scolding their opponents without a reason. Every player played to the best of their ability and with teamwork and skill, some managed to win the game but some lost by a margin.

After every match of every sport, classes shook hands with each other and congratulate them for a good match played. During yesterday's match, we have already seen this few important values – Friendship, Excellence and Respect.

Library Exhibition

Library Exhibition on Racial Harmony Day.

During the June Holidays, the Sec1s to 3s were tasked to complete a project based on the followings:Sec1- Traditional CostumeSec2- Cultural foodSec3- Performing artsFor the sec1s, they were required to do a PowerPoint on the different races in Singapore. They were also required to reuse old and unwanted clothing to modify it into a multi racial costume. Their art pieces were showcased in the library during the racial harmony week. "I think that it was meaningful as we learnt the different customs and tradition of other races. I felt it was fun as we get together in groups to work together and also help to build up our team spirit. Not only that, we can help to save the environment by reusing our old clothing!"
-Shermaine Yim 1E3

As for the Sec2s, their tasks were to research on the different cultural food and collate it into a PowerPoint inclusive of a Video that introduces the cultural food. Files by the students were also required and it has to include all the researches done, processes of project and reflections of the entire project. The library also showcased their final works."I learnt about the different food from different cultures and understood their origins and how it came about. As it was our first time filming and editing a video, we had faced many difficulties but in the end, we managed to overcome all odds and made our project a successful one!"
-Mok Chin Ting 2E5

Finally, the Sec3s were given a project to research on the performing arts. They were tasked to collate all the research into a file accompanied by a PowerPoint on the different opera groups from different countries. For the last part of their project, they were broken up into groups of 5 to modify an opera to act it out for a video. Their Files were displayed in the Library."The project was rather a difficult one this time. It was hard, researching about the different opera groups and to come up with a PowerPoint, it was equally hard. But nonetheless, we still managed to complete and with that, learnt about the different opera groups. It was still a meaningful project!"
- Desiree Chia 3E5

The exhibition was a success! Many students actually went to visit this small exhibition during their free time. This exhibition reflects the efforts put in by our students. The selected pieces from the different levels were showcased and their works were one of the best, with an innovative and creative design. It was interesting looking through such wonderful pieces of work.

DesireeC. & RachelT.

Racial Harmony

Racial Harmony In East Spring Secondary.

On the 21st July 2010, East Spring celebrated Racial Harmony Day. Students were asked to dress in different ethnic costumes to report to school as a way to signify Racial Harmony. The students were very cooperative and many came to school with very nicely worn costumes. As we all know, Racial Harmony is an important day celebrated by Singaporeans to remember the racial riots that happened in Singapore 60 years ago. It is a day that reminds us to be respectful to other races and religion so as we can live in peace with our fellow Singaporeans.

In addition to the dress codes, every secondary 1 and 3 classes were required to set up stalls selling different kinds of food such as kueh, cookies and cupcakes. There were also games and dances from different races. They were to set up their stalls according to their recess times and it was a great success! Many students were participating and giving other classes their support by buying their products. Through this event, we hope that all of our students would have gotten to know the different cultures of different races more.

Billy from 4E1 has kindly expressed his thoughts about Racial Harmony. When asked what Racial Harmony was to him, he said
"Racial Harmony is an important day for all of us as it is a day to commemorate the racial riots that happened many years ago. It is a day that will bring us together to learn about different ethnic groups and their cultures."
Billy has also participated in this year's Racial Harmony celebration by wearing an ethnic costume from the Malay culture and has also supported in the Carnival during his recess. He feels that the carnival was a roaring success as many students were actively participating in the carnival. There was also a large variety of games and food which made it even more exciting. We have also asked him on how we should maintain this peace among races in Singapore. He answered
"I believe we should respect our classmates from different cultures and not discriminate them. With mutual respect and empathy, we can live in harmony with our fellow Singaporeans."

After this event, we hoped that every East Springian has learnt something new about the different races and will continue to respect people from different races and be considerate. We hope for another successful Racial Harmony Celebration next year!