Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Library Exhibition

Library Exhibition on Racial Harmony Day.

During the June Holidays, the Sec1s to 3s were tasked to complete a project based on the followings:Sec1- Traditional CostumeSec2- Cultural foodSec3- Performing artsFor the sec1s, they were required to do a PowerPoint on the different races in Singapore. They were also required to reuse old and unwanted clothing to modify it into a multi racial costume. Their art pieces were showcased in the library during the racial harmony week. "I think that it was meaningful as we learnt the different customs and tradition of other races. I felt it was fun as we get together in groups to work together and also help to build up our team spirit. Not only that, we can help to save the environment by reusing our old clothing!"
-Shermaine Yim 1E3

As for the Sec2s, their tasks were to research on the different cultural food and collate it into a PowerPoint inclusive of a Video that introduces the cultural food. Files by the students were also required and it has to include all the researches done, processes of project and reflections of the entire project. The library also showcased their final works."I learnt about the different food from different cultures and understood their origins and how it came about. As it was our first time filming and editing a video, we had faced many difficulties but in the end, we managed to overcome all odds and made our project a successful one!"
-Mok Chin Ting 2E5

Finally, the Sec3s were given a project to research on the performing arts. They were tasked to collate all the research into a file accompanied by a PowerPoint on the different opera groups from different countries. For the last part of their project, they were broken up into groups of 5 to modify an opera to act it out for a video. Their Files were displayed in the Library."The project was rather a difficult one this time. It was hard, researching about the different opera groups and to come up with a PowerPoint, it was equally hard. But nonetheless, we still managed to complete and with that, learnt about the different opera groups. It was still a meaningful project!"
- Desiree Chia 3E5

The exhibition was a success! Many students actually went to visit this small exhibition during their free time. This exhibition reflects the efforts put in by our students. The selected pieces from the different levels were showcased and their works were one of the best, with an innovative and creative design. It was interesting looking through such wonderful pieces of work.

DesireeC. & RachelT.

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