Wednesday, August 4, 2010

On the court.

On the court.

To celebrate our 45th National Day this year, East Spring Secondary has organized an interclass competition for the upper secondary – Basketball, Captain's ball and last but not least, soccer. The preliminary rounds were held just yesterday at the parade square, basketball court and the field. It was an amazing sight to see classes wearing their nicely designed class t-shirts. Everyone was psyched up for the game with awaiting classes training for their coming match!

The captain's ball matches were spectacular! With well-trained classes against each other, it was impossible to keep your eyes off the game! Sportsmanship was also displayed here, as there were incidents where players fell and the opponents actually went up to help them up instead of continuing the game.
Students who were not involved also went down to cheer their classmates on and not only that; different classes were also supporting the classes that were on the court.

The basketball matches were rough and exciting, with teams consisting of mixed genders. Every class played their best and fought their way to win their opponents. Respecting your opponents is a very important value and this is shown by our very own East Spring Students. Although they lost their game, they were not discouraged and they didn’t bring their opponents down by jeering yet they supported and spurred them on! Players did not challenge the umpires when they declared a foul in the game but respected them and accepted the free throws or throw ins.

Soccer matches were played mainly by the guys. It was under the hot and blazing sun but no one complained and continued the game with very high spirits! Soccer players also showed their respect and sportsmanship by not tripping or scolding their opponents without a reason. Every player played to the best of their ability and with teamwork and skill, some managed to win the game but some lost by a margin.

After every match of every sport, classes shook hands with each other and congratulate them for a good match played. During yesterday's match, we have already seen this few important values – Friendship, Excellence and Respect.


  1. Hi Rachel!I think your article is well organised as you put one paragraph for one sport.
    I like your article because it is interesting,somehow..Maybe the language used?

  2. This is a very moving article as it is centered on the values of sportsmanship. I like the way your whole article centers around that theme, and doesn't deviate with it. Good job.

    You could re-write the introduction so it sounds mroe objective and formal. "It was an amazing sight..." "psyched up for the games..." All these phrases are colloquial and sound very casual. What's a more formal and objective way of phrasing these words?

    Keep it up!!

    -Miss J.Tan

  3. BUNNY!

    I like your article! It elaborated well on how the students had displayed themselves during the games. Also, it gives a general idea of how the games were played/conducted.

    However, you could use one of the player's opinion regarding the games too, it'll make the article even more interesting!

    Overall, I enjoyed reading your article. keep up the good work Rachel! (Y) ^^
